However, most things that I tried, and one of the ones that worked are listed in this post: Nevermind, i finally managed to fix it, though im not quite sure how, since I did several things at the same time (for the sake of time, since every reboot took me a lot of time) If anyone has the slightest idea of what can be causing this, please help me! but whatever)Īlso im gonna do a performance test on my SSD booting. Im gonna try to update my Intel Rapid Storage driver in case that is causing it (I dont even think there is an updated version yet. Virus Scan on startup (Avast free antivirus) I honestly don't know whta caused this, it just came out of the blue from one day to the other. (OS) and another HDD at 7200RPM for data. Once it has started up everything seems to work just fine, but every startup is a pain. This takes about 10-15 mins, when it usually took 15 seconds. It stays for a while on the bios, then black screen, then black screen with spinning dots and then finally it gets into windows.
My computer's been booting up incredibly slowly for some reason since yesterday.