In 2002, she was appointed to oversee American Idol, which became the historical groundbreaking and network television ratings phenomenon. She created, developed and ran its diversity initiatives to increase the employment of diverse writers, directors, producers and actors.
She was its first Executive Director of Creative Development of Diversity and Vice President of Diversity Development. In 2001, Fong joined the Fox Broadcasting Company and was with FOX for 13 years. She has launched productions across the United States and around the world, including China, Canada, Europe and Africa.
She holds the dual distinction as being the first person of color and only woman to have produced the Emmy Awards.
Fong is the producer and director of music and variety specials, awards shows, reality specials, sitcoms, talk shows, documentaries and live events. Wenda Fong began her 40-plus year career in television as the producer and host of her own live, talk show series in Los Angeles.